Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Semana de 26 de Febrero 2007

Posted in Esta Semana Por Mrs. Garcia at 2007-02-27T16:05:32-06:00:32 28 by mrsjgarcia


Voy a comenzar a usar el nuevo sitio blog en


para mi ‘Esta Semana’ Estoy trabajando en los usarios de los ninos/as y espero tener todo listo para ellos/as luego.

Esta semana no hay diary. Estoy en el proceso de areglar el blog en su nuevo sitio.

No hay examin esta semana de Numeracy. Estamos estudiando acerca a problemas escritas y utilizando division con restos(remainders) y decimales. Cuando el denominador se puede convertirse a 10, 100, o 1000 estamos calculando los decimales mentalmente y en papel, utilizando ‘place value tables’. Cuando son denominadores muy dificiles estamos utlilzando calculadores para dividir el numerador por el denominador.

En Literacy estamos viendo poesia. Tenemos una poema W. Wordsworth que estamos utilizando, y los ninos y ninas estan aprendiendo las primeras 7 lineas. Van a tener que presentar esa parte del poema en grupos pequenos para la clase. Esto va ser calificado. Ver el rubrico: oral-presentation-rubric.doc

No hay spelling test ni listado esta semana, pero los ninos y ninas tienen palabras nuevas del poema para aprender en su ‘glossary’.

En Humanidades seguimos estudiando acerca de los Romanos, y tienen una actividad comenzado en borrador sobre un diaro de un Romano. Para mas informacion sobre los Romans visitan: http://members.aol.com/Donnclass/Romelife.html

En Ciencas estomos estudiando sonidos. Empezamos con la pregunta como se hacen los sonidos. Vibracion es una palabra clave esta semena, y los ninos y ninas han utilizado instrumentos musicales, hules, y hojas de grama para investigar acerca a esta tema.

El proximo Lunes es vacacion para los ninos y ninas, pero no las profesoras. Tenemos un dia my interestante lleno de talleres para los/las profesores/as. Yo voy a dar dos talleres sobre video digital y espero que luego van a ver mas pelicuelas de otros grados del colegio.

Feliz Semana

Friday, February 23, 2007

diary for the week 26 of february

Posted in Uncategorized at 2007-02-23T14:46:48-06:00:48 28 by castanedaolga2015

what is the diary for the starting week 26
of FEBRUARY????????????????????

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Point of view

Posted in Steven at 2007-02-20T19:19:40-06:00:40 28 by kawassteven2015

When the kids are in the playground they could get hit or something by accident, but you don’t have to tell a teacher or somebody, first discuss it yourself with the person involved and if it can’t be solved tell a teacher. When you are solving it yourself don’t say bad words and when you are telling to a teacher, don’t lie or it will get worse. 

 My opinion is don’t lie or hit each other or you are going to get in trouble. 


Points of view…

Posted in Abby, Diaries at 2007-02-20T19:06:02-06:00:02 28 by derancourtabi2015

OK, lets discus this properly, you said that this diary entry was about how to solve problems by people’s point of view, That’s right…ok, well, I think that when you solve a problem people have different points of view, in other words, let’s say I had a fight with carla this evening and I have to solve it with a friend, My point of view would be that she started hiting me so I hit her back, And her point of view would be that I hit her first so she hit me back ( just an example) so then we would have to talk and say what really happened because it would get even worse if we wouldn’t have said the truth.
This is what I beleve this diary was about.

Well if I’m wrong, then leave a comment:
thank you.points-of-view.jpg

Points of view

Posted in Olga at 2007-02-20T18:50:36-06:00:36 28 by castanedaolga2015

People always have different points of view on the same idea or theme.
a group of people can be in favor and another group against.
we are all thinking human beans and we have a real brain
for example when an animal pushes or hits another animals theydont say Im sorry or why did you hit me they only fight and sometimes they can die.
humans can TELL the reason so the problem wouldnt get worst.
And thre are many other ways to SOLVE A PROBLEM,
For example, ask questions, talk to each other and ect.

Semana de 20-02-07

Posted in Esta Semana Por Mrs. Garcia, Uncategorized at 2007-02-20T18:24:27-06:00:27 28 by mrsjgarcia


Esta semana estamos dedicando mucho tiempo al Spring Fair. El viernes vamos a quedar, los que pueden, hasta las 3 horneando cupcakes y decorando los toldos. Gracias a todos que nos han ofrecido cupcakes. Manana vamos a trabajar en el horario de los ninos y ninas. Recuredense que el Sabado es dia de escuela. Los ninos y ninas deberian reportarse conmigo a las 8:00 en la clase, para tomar el registro, no pueden irse hasta que terminamos a limpiar y guardar las cosas, otra vez sera tomado el registro.

Manana es nuestro asemblea a las 12:40 en el PAC. Estamos muy emocionados, y las practicas hoy salieron bien.

En Numeracy estamos haciendo los examines Wigans, que nos ayudan a evaluar el progreso de los alumnos/as.

En Literacy estamos viendo diaries y puntos de vista.

Bueno espero verlos el Sabado, recuerdense del bloqueador para los ninos y ninas. Tambien espero verlos manana en la asemblea. Espero tener la pagina web con los fotos en linea al mas tardar el Jueves.

Feliz Semana

Is It Fair To Have Animals In A Circus

Posted in Uncategorized at 2007-02-20T18:16:08-06:00:08 28 by chorrocamila

I think it is not fair to have animals in the circus because they are free animals and don’t have to be en the circus. I don’t think they have a good time at the circus.For me it is really not fair to have animals in the circus the dont deserve it.

Points Of view

Posted in Valeria at 2007-02-20T16:20:04-06:00:04 28 by valientevaleria

I think it´s fair for the 2 persons to get their chance to talk,and it is fair to resolve the problem by not saying bad things of the people,but you have to have your good reasons to defend a  person ,because if not it will be unfair for the other person.

this is my opinion

resolving problems

Posted in Stephen T at 2007-02-20T15:33:26-06:00:26 28 by tynanstephen2015

The best way to solve a problem is?




  1. listen to all involed

2.  ask questions

    3. find guilty

    The guilty person will change there piont of view under presure.

    please add youre ideas in comments

    Monday, February 19, 2007

    How we can resolve problems:

    Posted in Ana Beatriz at 2007-02-19T10:34:56-06:00:56 28 by samourana2015

    Well we know that there is many many fights we can resolve.

    Well i’m going to tell you joust about 2, well 1.when we start a fight is terrible. Because sometimes people don’t now why they started to fight and sometimes they joust start to fight with any reason. 1.You are not very friendship with that person and the teacher sit you beside th

    at person well they give you one page for you to work in pardners and that girl or boy setting beside you has youck about you and they never do things with you well and the boy or girl tells the teacher that she or he gives you youck well the teacher will exchange with another person and the problem will resolve. 2.When they quick each other or when they say that you have to fight well they start to fight well the teacher will talk with them and they will say to each other “sorry”.

    Well that’s why fighting is not good because it means that you don’t love each other and remember friendship all ways exists in El Salvador and in many countries to, and that’s why resolving problems is good not bad. We need to be a great country with love and happiness.Joust remember that we need to resolve the problems .

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