Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Point of view

Posted in Steven at 2007-02-20T19:19:40-06:00:40 28 by kawassteven2015

When the kids are in the playground they could get hit or something by accident, but you don’t have to tell a teacher or somebody, first discuss it yourself with the person involved and if it can’t be solved tell a teacher. When you are solving it yourself don’t say bad words and when you are telling to a teacher, don’t lie or it will get worse. 

 My opinion is don’t lie or hit each other or you are going to get in trouble. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The special things about el salvador are…

Posted in Steven at 2007-02-13T20:55:26-06:00:26 28 by kawassteven2015

3dflagsdotcom_elsal_2fawl1.gifThe special things about
 the rivers like el rio Lempa, some people swim in them and some go on boat but there is an  Hydroelectric dam that is called 15 de Septiembre on the Lempa river and is the largest Central American river to finish at the
Pacific Ocean.
 The mountains are a good place to stay to sleep because there are hotel for sleeping. On Puerta Del Diablo is a good place because some people go at the top and can see most of the country, take pictures of the nature and it is interesting.We know that most of the people that come to El Salvador have fun like my aunt from
Honduras. She came on summer and she had lots and lots of fun, we went to the beach and see the wonderful and big waves that our beaches have.
El Salvador is the smallest country of
Central America but has the charming people.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Traffic in Santa Tecla

Posted in Steven at 2007-02-06T19:31:27-06:00:27 28 by kawassteven2015


The traffic everyday in the morning is a big mess, the  stop in every where and they don’t let pass the people that is going to school.We need to pass quickly or we get in the traffic and we cannot pass until the buses pass.We can have more space if we go on one side and they  can go the other side or/and we can have an underground train that is ONLY FOR SCHOOL.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Posted in Steven at 2007-01-30T17:13:07-06:00:07 31 by kawassteven2015



Posted in Steven at 2007-01-30T17:12:05-06:00:05 31 by kawassteven2015

I think is good to recycle because if you don’t recycle you can die, you want to know how you can die, we start with the trees. The people can die because the trees give us oxygen to us, but some people cut the trees and that is good and bad at the same time because it gives us paper. The same with plastic, ect.

My subjection is  RECYCLE YOUR THING…