Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Posted in Ana Beatriz, Diaries at 2007-01-31T15:54:57-06:00:57 31 by samourana2015

Recycling is good for the earth because the recycling method helps the earth be cleaner and if we recycle some thing we can have the earth clean and we can have more things like toys and more glasses to drink. Many people through buble gum or trash they don´t need more but that is no good for the earth. We need to try an be careful what we do because this need to be a nice and clean earth. That`s why recycling exsists to have the earth clean and neat.                                                                                     


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is recycling good for El Salvador and the world?

Posted in Amanda at 2007-01-30T22:20:00-06:00:00 31 by obandoamanda2015

Recycling is good for El Salvador and the world because if people recycle the air would be clean and fresh,even there could be more water in the world. Because many people throw trash and things they don’t need and they get the river dirty. Also  animals that live in the river eat it and people eat those animals and they get ill.

Is recycling good for El Salvador and for the world ?

Posted in Eduardo at 2007-01-30T20:56:02-06:00:02 31 by apostoloeduardo2015

Recycling is good for El Salvador and for the world because it helps to cut less trees which is  good for the enviroment. Recycling can also help to reduce the cost of making products from new material by using recycled material. 

The most important thing about recycling is to preserve our world.

 Image Preview

Recycling is good for the earth

Posted in 4th Aztecs January at 2007-01-30T18:39:33-06:00:33 31 by quangerardo2015

images2.jpgRecycling  is good for the earth , because if we recycle paper, less trees will be cut. People have to learn to recycle paper, they have to learn to care for the trees. The trees are life.

There are many ways to recycle.You can recicle bottles  and cans .  Don´t throw your soda can, you can recycle it.

One  day  I saw   a   man   that   lived   in  a house   that   everithing   was made of   recycled materials . I think that he is a very good example for everybody.

If we love our earth, we have to recycle.


Posted in Abby at 2007-01-30T18:28:27-06:00:27 31 by derancourtabi2015

Where is the “Hooray for Holiwood”?
don’t find it….

How will Reciclyng will help el salvador and the world

Posted in 4th Aztecs January, Camila, Diaries at 2007-01-30T17:51:15-06:00:15 31 by chorrocamila

Recycling will help the world alot especially towns and city’s .

Recycling is very good you should try to recycle ,you should be careful to see were  you throw rubbish.recycle helps save paper glass metal etc. Please recycle it is good for  you and for lots of people.


Posted in Zeky at 2007-01-30T17:43:51-06:00:51 31 by brandzeky2015

Recycling means,when you throw a bottle of plastic to the trash,some people come take the plastic bottle and use it to make other things.We need to recycle cans, plasticbotles  because if you do that you can make other thing .We need to recycle so the the country is clean, if we continue throwing rubbish we wont have a beautiful country.

thumb_3reciclaje.jpgThat’s why we need to recycle.  images2.jpg

Posted in Steven at 2007-01-30T17:13:07-06:00:07 31 by kawassteven2015



Posted in Steven at 2007-01-30T17:12:05-06:00:05 31 by kawassteven2015

I think is good to recycle because if you don’t recycle you can die, you want to know how you can die, we start with the trees. The people can die because the trees give us oxygen to us, but some people cut the trees and that is good and bad at the same time because it gives us paper. The same with plastic, ect.

My subjection is  RECYCLE YOUR THING…

How could Recycling metal, plastic, paper and glass help El Salvador and the world.

Posted in Olga at 2007-01-30T16:55:03-06:00:03 31 by castanedaolga2015

Recycling metal, plastic, paper and glass help El Salvador
and the world. It is a good thing to do. We can help in our
school to bring our healthy food in plastic reusable containers,
not bring food in filthy plastic bags bring on containers some
healthy lunch , because most of the snacks are unhealthy,
so is better to bring like that so at the end of break we dont have many rubish.
Another way of recycling at school is: using recycle paper in our notebooks because we need
to do other jobs and maybe many tests for 1 week!, and you always use many paper and draw something many times until you like it so you throw it and use another paper that is making many rubish.
Our school has good idea because we use the same pupil text book for math literacy and spanish every year this means we need to take care of them,cover them and dont write in
them because next year a little friend will be using it.
this is an example of recycling.
I think a new cool project for recycling at my school will be that all the costumes on the assemblies to be hanged in a little room because we have to many assemblies and we are all woried about the costumes, so we can recycle the costums! and just fix them if they are to big or to small.

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