Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Traffic in Santa Tecla

Posted in Amanda at 2007-02-06T19:02:02-06:00:02 28 by obandoamanda2015


Santa of traffics, my is in Santa Tecla and in my school all mornings, when I Tecla has lots get late to school there is a heavy traffic and sometimes you can take sometimes 10 minutes, it happened to me.Traffics cues pollution because the moke and it could be worse if we had more traffics.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is recycling good for El Salvador and the world?

Posted in Amanda at 2007-01-30T22:20:00-06:00:00 31 by obandoamanda2015

Recycling is good for El Salvador and the world because if people recycle the air would be clean and fresh,even there could be more water in the world. Because many people throw trash and things they don’t need and they get the river dirty. Also  animals that live in the river eat it and people eat those animals and they get ill.